Voice Search and SaaS: How to Elevate Your SEO Strategy

Written by: Branko Ilishev
Feb / 09 / 2024

Voice search has undoubtedly become a game-changer in the SEO world, and it will be an even more critical factor in years to come.

With the expansion of smart devices and virtual assistants like Google Assistant and others, voice search has become extremely famous among people all across the globe. In the meantime, optimizing for voice search has become essential for SaaS companies, especially if you want to beat your competitors in today’s competitive global market.

Therefore, let’s explore voice search SEO and how your SaaS business can make impressive results by using it as one of the most significant new SEO trends.

Voice Search Definition

As you probably already know, voice search gives the advantage to users to make searches online or interact with devices using spoken queries or commands rather than typing into Google or other search engines.

With voice search, users can use their voice to ask questions, make requests, or perform tasks, and the technology translates their speech into text and then processes it to provide relevant information or carry out the desired action.

Let’s see how SEO fits into the story of voice search.

What Is Voice Search SEO?

Voice search SEO is a highly beneficial process of optimizing your content and site in order to improve ranking and visibility in voice search results.

Unlike traditional searches, voice searches are longer since they are conversational, often similar to natural language search queries. That’s why it’s entirely logical that optimizing for voice search is not the same as optimizing for traditional SEO search.

Therefore, let’s address the most significant voice search SEO strategies.

Best Voice Search SEO Strategies

Understanding how voice search affects SEO is essential, but applying the necessary strategies to make it work and bring valuable results is crucial.,

Let’s see the key steps you have to take.

Voice Search SEO Audit

Start by conducting an SEO audit and analyzing your current strategy to identify areas where you can optimize for voice search. The wise way is to use long-tail phrases and keywords to align with natural language queries that people might speak when using voice search.

This aspect is highly important since you can’t create a robust and successful SEO strategy without first conducting an audit to identify how to optimize voice search in the best way possible.

Adjust Your Content for Voice Search

You need to create content that matches the conversational tone of voice searches, which means you must concentrate on creating concise answers to common questions your target audience might have.

Incorporate FAQ sections or Q&A formats within your content to address specific queries users are likely to voice. Furthermore, prioritize creating content that directly addresses your audience’s needs and pain points, as this can enhance its relevance and visibility in voice search results.

Update Your Google My Business

Voice search local SEO is also crucial, and optimizing your Google My Business profile with exact information will improve your chances of becoming visible in local voice search results, especially when it comes to queries that are location specific.

Ensure your business hours, contact information and address are consistently updated on your Google My Business profile. Additionally, encourage satisfied customers to leave positive reviews since it will improve your local SEO and increase your visibility in local voice search rankings.

Structure Your Content for Featured Snippets

Featured snippets are the concise answers that appear at the top of search engine results pages (SERPs) in response to specific queries. By formatting your content to answer questions precisely, you can increase the chance of it being featured as a snippet.

Utilize formatting such as bullet points, numbered lists, and headers to make your content easily scannable for users and search engines. In addition, make sure to list relevant and accurate information within the first sentences of your content to boost your chances of being selected.

Use Google Natural Language API to Test Your Content

Evaluate your content using Google’s Natural Language API to gain insights into how search engines interpret it. Understanding this process can assist you in creating higher-quality web pages tailored for voice search. By testing your content alongside competitors’ using specialized language processing tools like Google’s Natural Language API, you can gain valuable insights into how search engines perceive your content.

Leverage the data obtained from the API to iteratively craft and enhance your content, making it more human-like and appealing to both Google algorithms and voice search users.

Add Schema Markup

Schema markup helps search engines better understand the content of your web pages, making it easier for them to provide relevant results in voice searches. Using it can boost your visibility and increase the chances of your content being chosen as a featured snippet.

Be sure to incorporate schema markup for various types of content, including events, reviews, and FAQs, to maximize the potential for your website to appear in voice search results. Regularly review and update your schema markup to ensure it accurately reflects the content on your website and aligns with current best practices for optimizing for voice search.

Improve Your Site’s Overall Speed

Page load speed is crucial in both traditional and voice search SEO. Therefore, you need to make sure your site loads fast in order to provide an excellent user experience to improve the chances of ranking high in voice search results.

In addition, think about using a CDN to distribute your site’s content across many servers across the globe, further reducing load times and improving accessibility for users engaging in voice searches.

It’s A Voice Search: Make It Natural

Modern search engine algorithms have reached a level of sophistication that rivals human comprehension. For instance, Google’s Multitask Unified Model (MUM) has the power to recognize 75 languages, which is impressive.

Given this capability, it’s crucial for voice search optimization strategies to prioritize the creation of natural-sounding content. Search engines can discern the kinds of queries your content addresses, rendering the inclusion of misplaced keywords or awkwardly constructed sentences unnecessary for SEO purposes.

Instead, concentrate on crafting content that resonates with human understanding. Provide clear and concise answers to common inquiries, ensuring accessibility for all users, and always prioritize human engagement over catering solely to algorithms.

Monitor Your Voice Search SEO Performance

Monitoring the performance of your strategy with SEO tools in the context of voice search is essential for refining your approach and maximizing results. 

By regularly tracking key metrics such as organic traffic, click-through rates from voice search results, and the performance of featured snippets, SaaS businesses can gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of their optimization efforts. 

Continuous monitoring and analysis empower SaaS companies to adapt swiftly to changes in user behavior and search engine algorithms, ultimately driving better visibility, engagement, and conversions in the competitive voice search landscape. 

Final Words on Voice Search SEO

If you want your SaaS business to remain competitive in today’s digital world, you need to use voice search SEO in your search engine optimization strategies. Also, it doesn’t matter whether you’re focusing on enterprise SEO SaaS, CMS SaaS SEO, or any other since it applies to all SaaS SEO strategies.

By implementing voice search SEO best practices such as conducting audits, formatting content for featured snippets, updating Google My Business profiles, reshaping language, adding schema markup, and optimizing page load speed, SaaS companies can enhance their online visibility and attract more organic traffic.

About the Author

Picture of Branko Ilishev

Branko Ilishev

Branko is your SEO prodigy. He manages the SEO team and finds creative solutions for your online visibility problems by thinking out-of-the-box. He also translates the collected data of analytics into understandable information that gives you concrete insights.