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6 Rules for Excellent Results
“When people work toward a common goal, they are driven, passionate and purposeful”. These words by Richard Branson define the concept of teamwork. Very often the completion of a task or a project regardless of its size depends on the many skills different people have. Hence, a team of professionals and experts specialised in various fields can achieve a lot if they all join forces.
When it comes to getting work done in a digital agency, a team of particularly skilled pros is of utmost importance. A digital agency deals with various kinds of tasks and tackles different kinds of problems of their clients, so people with specific knowledge can get the project to the finish line.
However, being in a team means leaving the ego behind and concentrating on bringing results to the table, results that will be satisfying for the client and won’t pinpoint an individual who is to be praised for them. Teamwork means accomplishing things together and not caring who gets the credit. That is why there are certain rules that need to be followed in order to achieve harmony in the team and help the members focus on the common goal.
In our Web and Digital Agency SmartClick, we put efficiency as a top priority. We are a small but very effective team with aspirations to grow and develop further. Our goal is to perfect the communication across the team and between the team members and our clients and with a great organisation to come to results that satisfy the needs of our clients. Apart from efficiency, communication and organisation which will be discussed below, there are several other key factors that can build a strong team. They should be considered as rules as well, as swearing by them will strengthen the bond between the team members and produce nothing short of quality teamwork.
Let’s take a look at those rules.
Brainstorming Sessions Are a Must
Teamwork can’t grow without brainstorming. Brainstorming sessions are a safe place where there are no wrong ideas, answers, concepts or suggestions. Moreover, brainstorming sessions can discover a world of new possibilities from a single proposition and an opportunity to develop them until they become successfully finished projects. In addition, brainstorming allows for each of the members to be a leader, to present their ideas, to support them with arguments and solve a problem or an issue in the working process. These sessions need to be regularly held, for example once or twice a month, depending on the volume of work.
Team Leaders Should Lead the Right Way
Every team has a leader. However, being a leader doesn’t mean giving out orders and expecting others to follow them without having a say. In fact, the leader’s job is to make sure everyone in the team is aware of their task and to provide them with all the necessary tools, assets or information they need to complete the task. The leader should be leading the communication, motivating his teammates and giving them enough space to express their opinion, be creative, innovative and not afraid to make a mistake.
Communication Should Be Open and Two-way
If there is no communication in the team, not a single project can be finished successfully. Open and two-way communication should lead the project and every member of the team should be able to ask, say or discuss among each other. For that purpose, there are excellent programs and apps on the net that enable communication in the team to be flawless. We, at SmartClick, use Slack to discuss our projects and talk about different topics – work and non-work related.
Organisation and Flow of the Tasks Need to Be Consistent
Everyone in the team has a different specialty, therefore, every individual should know how to organise their tasks and the way they are going to execute them. If one of the members falls behind, the whole team might suffer the consequences. That is why, all of the team members should be aware of their work during the day so that they can complement each other, cooperate or help if needed. Again, there are different programs that enable task management and all of them are very beneficial to the outcome of the project. We use Asana as a task management program and at any given moment we know who is working on what.
Use Your Time Efficiently
Sitting in front of the computer for 8 straight hours sometimes might prove as a hard thing to do. In order to avoid losing the focus of the task every team member should make a plan for their activities. They should take advantage of when they are most efficient (be it in the morning before the breakfast break or after) and work accordingly.
Respect Is Never Overrated
Every web developer, designer, SEO specialist, content writer and digital marketer have their values and expertise. That makes them equal when working for a client and they should be aware of it. Respecting each other means understanding that everyone brings something to the table, something without which we couldn’t go on and finish the project.
The Bottom Line
Never forget that the strength of the team lies in each individual member and the strength of each member lies in the team.
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