SEO for Financial Planners: A Guide on How to Dominate the Local Market

Written by: Elena Daskalova
Mar / 19 / 2024

Financial planning is a competitive field, and attracting new clients is indeed a challenge. But what if you could ensure potential clients in your area find YOU first when searching for financial guidance? That’s the power of SEO for financial planners and advisors.

The combination of local optimization with well-known SEO approaches will help you be visible and discoverable in organic search results AND local results. However, starting an SEO strategy alone is a challenging task for your financial service. You need expertise in a few branches, like market research, competition analysis, content writing experts, SEO specialists, and even web developers and web designers, to have a complete offer.

You’re not alone in this. Our guide will equip you with the knowledge and actionable steps to dominate your local market through SEO. By considering these strategies, you’ll increase website visibility, attract qualified leads, and, ultimately, grow your financial planning practice.

But let’s take smaller steps at a time and explain the basics:

Why SEO Matters for Financial Planners

Think about how most people find financial advisors. They usually search online using Google or other preferred search engines! And now it’s obvious you need a well-optimized website that loads quickly and offers information on your services, who you are, and how you help people in need. 

By optimizing your website and online presence for relevant keywords, you’ll ensure your services appear at the top of search results when potential clients in your area look for financial planning, retirement planning, or other related services.

Local SEO: Your Key to Success

While general SEO is important, local SEO is crucial for financial planners. Here’s why:

  • Targeted Reach – Local SEO strategies focus on your specific area so you can connect with potential clients who need your services nearby. That way, they don’t need to look for a professional financial advisor, and you’ll be able to meet their needs and requirements.
  • Increased Credibility – Ranking well in local searches builds trust and establishes you as a go-to financial expert in your community. As a result, you appear professional and credible in your field.
  • Improved Conversion Rates – Local searches often indicate a higher intent to convert, meaning website visitors from local searches are more likely to become clients.

Does that mean general SEO won’t work?

No, because it’s used to inform the audience about financial struggles and potential solutions. When combining the established SEO practices with local optimization, you can easily win and dominate the global and local market. 

Still, keep in mind this: If you offer your services locally, then local SEO is the answer. Always list your address, full name, business name, and phone number, as well as pinpoint to Google Maps. Make it easy for the people in need to find you both online and offline.

How to Create Natural Backlinks?

Creating natural backlinks is highly beneficial, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy.

The ultimate goal is to create content that resonates with your audience to attract natural backlinks. Here are some types of content that tend to garner more attention and links.

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Actionable Local SEO Strategies

No strategy is ever complete without a list of actionable steps you can use as a checklist.

What to do? How to optimize my website and online business profile? How to extend my current client base and attract new potential clients? How long does it take until I land a new client who discovered me online?

Those are surely important questions to consider when optimizing your service to be discoverable online. That means you need to take specific steps and wait until the initial results appear.

Now, let’s cover the specific strategies to help you achieve local SEO dominance:

  • Keyword Research – Identify the keywords potential clients in your area are searching for. Tools like Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, Semrush, or SERanking can be a goldmine for this. Ensure you localize the research by selecting your area so only relevant financial keywords appear.
  • Optimize Your Website – Include relevant keywords in your website content, titles, meta descriptions, and headings. Improve the homepage copy, and pay attention to service pages. Establish a blog or a knowledge base where you can publish your unique insights, share valuable information, and attract even those who need to be made aware they need your services.
  • Claim and Optimize Your Google My Business Listing – This is crucial for local search results. Ensure your listing is complete, accurate, and includes positive client reviews. Never skip on the basic information like the office’s name, your name, and phone number, as well as email and physical address.
  • Build Local Citations – Get your business listed in online directories relevant to financial planning in your area. This is a tough one, so first research the options you have, and then sign up. For example, if there’s no directory for financial advisors, you can still manage to get several mentions in local guides and websites. Never stop looking for opportunities to receive these citations and mentions, as they’re improving your online presence.
  • Create High-Quality Content – Publish informative blog posts, articles, and videos that address your target audience’s financial concerns. You can start small with website content as well as some social media posts and scale. 
  • Engage with Your Community – Actively participate in local online forums, networking events, and social media groups to build brand awareness and establish yourself as a trusted expert.

Ready to Take Control over Your SEO for Finance?

Implementing a successful SEO strategy requires ongoing effort and expertise. The above lists are great, but everyone should be aware they aren’t a one-time implementation. A great SEO strategy for finance advisors and planners requires ongoing audits and analyses, spotting long-tail queries, and opportunities for quick wins.

Remember, SEO is not the strategy you need if you want overnight success. It won’t bring you thousands of leads once you publish great content for sure. Still, it requires consistency, even when it seems nothing works. 

However, the rewards are substantial – a stable stream of qualified leads and a thriving financial planning practice. Again, never forget that SEO for financial planners still requires time and patience.

WordPress Templates and Themes

WordPress offers more than 10,000 free themes, and you can also purchase thousands of third-party templates from third-party marketplaces. 

Furthermore, its block-based editing is intuitive and allows you to design excellent sites without code. Considering the overall ease of use of WordPress, it’s not surprising that it’s highly popular all across the globe.

Get in Touch Today

Do You Need Help With Your Local SEO Efforts?

At SmartClick, we help financial planners dominate their local markets through customized SEO strategies. We can help you with keyword research, content creation, local citation building, and ongoing optimization. Our team uses a variety of approaches, but we get to know your business better to tailor a strategy that will bring the most benefit.

Contact us today for a free consultation and discover how we can help you turn website visitors into loyal clients!

About the Author

Picture of Elena Daskalova

Elena Daskalova

Experienced content writer with a focus on SaaS content marketing and copywriting. With a passion for crafting compelling stories, paired with expertise, delivers narratives that drive customer engagement and growth.