Magento vs Neto: Two Underrated eCommerce Platforms That Can Uplift Your SEO Strategy

11 Minute Read
Written by: Branko Ilishev
Jan / 12 / 2023

It’s undeniable that many eCommerce platforms are much more popular than Magento and Neto. However, being successful in the eCommerce world is sometimes about finding a shortcut to getting close to shoppers, especially if you are a beginner.

And since many established sellers are already dominating Shopify, BigCommerce, WooCommerce, and other famous eCommerce platforms, it might be wise to pick between more underrated platforms – hence our Magento vs Neto comparison.

Of course, you still have to implement effective eCommerce SEO strategies in order to rank high on Google and other search engines to attract many potential buyers. Still, at least you are not fighting against eCommerce giants who are controlling the online industry. 

So, let’s begin our Neto vs Magento battle and help you choose which platform is more appropriate for your business’ products.

What Is Magento?

Magento is a more popular eCommerce platform than Neto, but it’s still not as famous as it will be in the future since it allows complete control over your site, and it’s used for 0.9% of all online retail stores.

Nevertheless, it offers excellent business opportunities for small and medium-sized online stores, especially if you are starting at the moment. The primary reason it will become more famous as time goes on is that it was acquired by Adobe Inc back in May 2018 for $1.68 billion, so Adobe will undoubtedly do everything to bring it to the top of the game.

Therefore, now is an excellent time to pick Magento eCommerce as your online selling platform if you want to get ahead of other beginners in this industry.

What Is Neto?

On the other side, we have Neto.

It is an eCommerce platform coming from Australia, and even though now it’s known as Maropost Commerce Cloud, its users and everyone else is still addressing it as Neto. 

What’s interesting about Neto eCommerce is the fact that people outside The Lucky Country can integrate their store and offer products to some of the top-class marketplaces such as eBay and Amazon.

Since we’ve cleared the definitions of both eCommerce platforms out of the way, let’s move on with our Magento vs Neto comparison regarding SEO strategies and features.

Magento SEO

If we are being entirely honest, Magento still hasn’t been able to reach the SEO level that other eCommerce platforms have. The main reason is that this eCommerce platform doesn’t offer a lot of built-in SEO features for its users.

However, you can still integrate various search engine optimization apps into your online Magento store and boost your SEO results.

In order to improve your SEO Magento, you should use at least some of the following extensions:

  • The SEO Toolkit with its main features:
  • Quick import and export of product tags
  • Advantage of building robust sitemaps
  • Reviews that are SEO-friendly
  • An easy of use regarding relevant meta tags
  • Creation and automation of meta tags templates
  • Opportunity to show rich snippets in search engine results
  • Advanced SEO Suite with its main features:
  • Getting better CTR and improvement of website visibility on Google and other search engines
  • It can advance rich snippets
  • It provides an advanced sitemap for Google
  • You can generate meta tags with templates
  • SEO settings for layer navigation, pages, and categories
  • An advantage of making an SEO analysis of every page
  • You can manage all redirects quickly

As you can see, even though Magento doesn’t provide top-level SEO features and options, there still are things you can implement and achieve good results. Still, it’s fair to say that hiring an SEO agency can do a much better job since its professionals will know how to use these features to the maximum level.

SEO Neto

When it comes to the Magento vs Neto comparison regarding SEO, even though both eCommerce platforms aren’t excellent in this field, it’s evident that Magento is a little bit better. However, it still depends on your preference and how you want to manage your online presence.

The Australian platform has some basic SEO features, primarily focusing on image optimization, URLs, XML sitemaps, and headings hierarchy. In fact, this eCommerce platform uses great programming to make sure your website offers an excellent user experience. It’s made in a way to maximize the conversion rate and help shoppers find what they desire pretty quickly.

Still, what about people finding your store in the sea of so many other competitors?

The Neto SEO elements include various things as a standard service, which helps buyers find your store more quickly. Some of these SEO elements include:

  • XML Sitemaps – It’s crucial for the indexing process since it’s a map of your site for search engine crawlers to follow.
  • Global CDN – It’s a content delivery network that ensures your store is seen globally with great performance.
  • Customizable URLs – Neto will allow you to change every page’s address in order to match targeted keywords and content of the page since this is an essential aspect of website optimization.

Magento Pricing

When it comes to Magento vs Neto pricing, it’s more than evident that Magento has a much more complex pricing structure. Also, it’s valuable to mention that things change much faster regarding Magento pricing, so the options we will list now may change quickly in the near future.

Be as it may, these are the three eCommerce pricing Magento options at the moment:

  • A completely free option by the name of Magento Open Source 
  • Magento Commerce, now known as Adobe Commerce
  • An edition that has exceptional built-in capabilities and codes that are automatically optimized, called Magento Commerce Cloud

As you can see, the first edition is entirely free, and the other two editions are paid according to your revenue. In short, the higher your income, the more you need to pay, which is logical.

We’ll show you an example of how the pricing functions yearly:

Magento/Adobe Commerce that comes with self-hosting:

  • 0 – <1 M – 22,000 dollars
  • 1 – <5 M – 32,000 dollars
  • 5 – <10 M – 49,000 dollars
  • 10 – <25 M – 75,000 dollars
  • 25 – <50 M – 125,000 dollars

As for Magento Commerce Cloud, this is how it works per year:

  • 0 – <1 M – 40,000 dollars
  • 1 – <5 M – 55,000 dollars
  • 5 – <10 M – 80,000 dollars
  • 10 – <25 M – 120,000 dollars
  • 25 – <50 M – 190,000 dollars

Another critical thing to mention is that you don’t have to pay a license fee with Magento Open Source, like for Magento Commerce Cloud and Magento/Adobe Commerce. On the other hand, Magento/Adobe Commerce and Magento OpenSource do require hosting fees that usually range from $4 to $1,000.

Neto Pricing

Neto’s pricing may not be as complex as Magento’s, but it’s undoubtedly not as cheap as other eCommerce platforms’ offerings.

With Neto, or Maropost Commerce Cloud as it’s now called, you have four pricing plans:

  • The Essential Plan – It’s $79 per month, and it includes:
  • Unlimited users & products
  • One sales channel
  • Chat, phone, and email support
  • 0% transaction fees – but processing credit cards requires a payment gateway that may charge their own fees 
  • Includes AU $70K/yr revenue, excluding shipping and tax calculated based on a trailing 12-month period
  • The Essential Plus Plan – It’s $199 per month, and it includes everything from Essential plus:
  • Multi-carrier shipping manifesting
  • Integrated shipping labeling
  • Two sales channels in total
  • Includes AU $350K/yr revenue, excluding shipping and tax calculated based on a trailing 12-month period
  • The Professional Plan – $269 per month, it includes all of Essential Plus and:
  • Mobile pick and pack app
  • Bulk order processing
  • Low stock alerts
  • Three sales channels in total
  • Includes AU $1M/yr revenue, excluding shipping and tax calculated based on a trailing 12-month period
  • The Enterprise Plan – It’s custom, and it includes everything from Professional, plus:
  • Advanced inventory features
  • Glew Ecommerce Analytics
  • All sales channels
  • Multi-currency purchase orders with cost tracking
  • If your process more than $1M in annual revenue, you will be able for custom pricing

All four Neto pricing plans are good picks, but you have to decide what suits you best and how much money you have to invest.

Magento Security

Another essential aspect of this Magento vs Neto comparison is security, which is a critical aspect of every eCommerce store.

The Magento eCommerce platform is PCI compliant, and what’s also a significant advantage is that Magento supports TFA, which is two-factor authentication.

Nevertheless, you still have to install security patches by yourself in a manual way and configure your site security plugins. In addition, Magento doesn’t provide you with a free SSL certificate because you need to rely upon a hosting provider that can give you one; therefore, if you pick this eCommerce platform, you will be responsible for your own SSL certificate.

Furthermore, a positive aspect is that Magento updates security often in order to make sure that the system is protected from malware. However, this process needs to be done manually, which isn’t a complete advantage since it doesn’t function automatically.

Neto Security

On the other hand, Neto provides the advantage of having an integrated SSL protocol since this eCommerce platform comes with one by default, which is a good advantage.

This essentially means that everything you enter on your Neto site is as secure and safe as possible; of course, nothing is 100% safe in this world, but this aspect provides a high level of security that’s necessary in today’s online world.

However, it’s more than essential to inform you that the Neto eCommerce platform follows only the Australian security policies, which can be tricky since some of them may not apply in Europe, North America, Asia, etc. Therefore, you must be careful and thoroughly inform yourself about this subject if you pick this eCommerce platform for your business.

Magento Themes

The last but also essential aspect of our Magento vs Neto battle is addressing the themes both eCommerce platforms have to offer.

The newest information shows that there are six Magento/Adobe Themes, three of which are free to use, while for the other three, you have to pay to get them. Two of the paid ones cost $499, and the other is $300.

Still, if you know how to code, you have the opportunity to make your own theme from scratch, but this is not necessary because you can also hire great developers who can develop themes for your store and free yourself space to focus on other aspects of your business. Furthermore, Magento offers a lot of design flexibility by allowing you to customize themes. This advantage is significant because you can make a theme that’s precisely made as you desire.

Last but not least, you can also use Magento themes on Theme Forest, where you can pick from over 300 themes and templates.

Neto Themes

When it comes to Neto themes, there is a more extensive plethora of themes you can choose from, and there are 10 Premium themes for which you have to pay and 23 Free themes.

The most expensive Premium theme goes by the name of Limitless, and it costs $570. The two cheapest Neto Premium themes are $149 at the moment, and they are called Mi Casa and Knick Knack. Also, there are 7 Neto themes that cost $280 and 7 themes that cost $380.

It’s fair to state that Neto provides more options for eCommerce themes, and it also has cheaper themes you can use and still make your online store look engaging to attract potential shoppers and keep existing customers.

Magento vs Neto Summary

Before we wrap up our Magento vs Neto comparison, it’s essential to understand that there is no perfect eCommerce platform. But what does exist is an ideal and most suitable eCommerce platform for your business and your products.

So, what it’s gonna be, Magento or Neto?

Before you make your decision, feel free to check our comparison about Neto ecommerce with Shopify if you want to make a further research. Whichever eCommerce platform you pick from these two, we wish you good luck on your business adventure, and we hope many shoppers visit your online store as soon as possible!


Is Magento better for SEO than Neto?

Even though both Magento and Neto aren’t excellent regarding SEO, Magento is a bit better since it offers more SEO features and extensions.

Neto vs Magento: Which eCommerce platform is more expensive?

Both eCommerce platforms have free plans you can use, but Magento has a more complex pricing structure than Neto.

Which one takes more of the current eCommerce market share, Magento or Neto?

Both Magento and Neto are still not dominating the eCommerce market share. Still, Magento has the advantage since it’s used for 0.9% of all online retail stores while Neto takes less than 0.5% of the current eCommerce market share.

About the Author

Picture of Branko Ilishev

Branko Ilishev

Branko is your SEO prodigy. He manages the SEO team and finds creative solutions for your online visibility problems by thinking out-of-the-box. He also translates the collected data of analytics into understandable information that gives you concrete insights.